Sunday 7 August 2011

Who is Virgin Mobile’s target market?

According to the marketing director, Jean Oelwang at the launch of Virgin Mobile Australia (VMA) in 2000, Virgin's target market will be "the young at heart, work hard, play hard" customers.  Oelwang said “It's not one demographic segment...we attract a wide range of people."   Whilst they attract all markets, it would be fair to say VMA’s target market is predominantly Generation X (those born 1965 – 1979 and generally assumed to have more information at their fingertips via the Internet, want to carefully evaluate their choices and reach their own purchasing decisions), Generation Y (born 1979 -1994/5, are more savvy about being marketed to, want to be treated with respect, be listened to and have their needs and expectations addressed.")[1], the “tweens” (those aged 8 to 14) and “twixers” (those between 18 – 25 who enjoy life and maintain close relationships through email, text messaging, online communities[2]).
VMAs target market would respond well to:
- traditional mediums such as TV and radio (to create awareness and reach the masses)
- Word-of-mouth marketing (otherwise referred to as buzz marketing, viral marketing or experiential marketing).  Using pre-existing social networks to increase brand awareness and boost product sales, messages can be delivered by word-of-mouth or through the network effects of the internet (such as through video clips, interactive Flash games, images, text messages); by building web communities for consumers to chat about their experiences online or by providing consumers a first-hand experience of the product through product samples and events.

[1] The Revenge of Brand X: How to Build A Big Time Brand - on the Web or Anywhere Else, Frankel R (2010)

[2] Advertising & Promotion Belch, Belch, Kerr & Powell, 2009, p 145

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