Saturday 13 August 2011

Networking with Robin da Hood

VMA uses Facebook, Twitter and You Tube to engage with their consumers, to educate them about the product and reinforce brand messages. Driving traffic through these sites not only increases brand awareness and (ideally) boosts product sales, it also enables VMA to learn more about the target market, encourage feedback and product improvements and innovation.

Participation in social media is a key tenet of Virgin Mobile's overall strategy to win over and satisfy customers. Virgin Mobile COO Matt Anderson said monitoring sites such as Twitter and Facebook and using that feedback to improve customer service was a priority for the telco and that VMA currently had several fulltime staff members whose job involved staying abreast of social media commentary, with these staff members empowered to respond to comments, both positive and negative.(2)
VMA has also used the Facebook plugin ‘Like Box’ on it's website, that enables Facebook page owners to “attract and gain Likes from their own website”. [1]  It also allows consumers to see how many users like the page, which of their friends like it too and read recent posts from the page.  This is just another interactive tool aimed at the tech-savvy, social networkers that make up their target audience.


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